Sunday, 28 March 2010

Why you should visit me

I have failed over the last couple of months to say anything interesting (some say its for longer than that).

But I've just added three panels to the foot of my blog page which should be of interest as the election campaign progresses. They are provided by Betfair, and are:
- An average of the polls day by day;
- Betfair's current prediction (and given the wisdom of crowds it could be pretty accurate); and
- A map of seats showing the latest predictions and an ability to produce your own swingometer.

Just scroll down past my ramblings to the bottom of the page......

1 comment:

Troy said...

I was expecting a blog posting about the merits of Seahouses and the Northumbrian Riviera.

It will be an interesting situation if the Tories get a majority in England but are prevented from giving the English a competent economic government due to our socialist friends in Scotland and Wales.